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Model setup

Next, in the model, import the attachment decorator, Attachmentable mixin and the Attachment type from the package.

⚠️ The "Attachmentable" mixin is deprecated in 3.2.0

Make sure NOT to use the @column decorator when using the @attachment decorator.

import { BaseModel } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'
import { compose } from '@adonisjs/core/helpers'
import { attachment, Attachmentable } from '@jrmc/adonis-attachment'
import type { Attachment } from '@jrmc/adonis-attachment/types/attachment'

class User extends compose(BaseModel, Attachmentable) { 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying subfolder

You can also store files inside the subfolder by defining the folder property as follows.

class User extends BaseModel {
  @attachment({ folder: 'uploads/avatars' }) 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying variants

Generate variants

class User extends BaseModel {
    variants: ['thumbnail', 'medium', 'large'] 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying disk

You can specify type of disk to use, default is defined in default adonis/drive config

class User extends BaseModel {
  @attachment({ disk: 's3' }) 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying preComputeUrl

⚠️ avalable in v2.2.0

You can enabled pre compute the URLs after SELECT queries, default is false

class User extends BaseModel {
  @attachment({ preComputeUrl: true }) 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying meta

⚠️ avalable in v2.1.0

You can disabled meta generation, default is true

class User extends BaseModel {
  @attachment({ meta: false }) 
  declare avatar: Attachment

Specifying rename

⚠️ avalable in v2.1.0

You can disabled rename file, default is true

class User extends BaseModel {
  @attachment({ rename: false }) 
  declare avatar: Attachment